

The Yaphank Historical Society Library Collection is part of our extensive Archive Collection and is available for study and research. The Library Collection features over 800 books, all searchable by author, title, subject, and publication date. The Library shelves contain a wide variety of general interest books, reference books, magazines, early newspaper publications, historically pertinent books and pamphlets, as well as Yaphank, Brookhaven Town, and Suffolk County specific publications. Located adjacent to the archive room, the Library has a reading room and table to facilitate research activities. 

Archive Collections 

Geographic Locations Collection includes documentation pertaining to physical locations in Yaphank, in addition to geographic resources like maps and surveys. Files are organized by the name of the place, region, road or document format, such as maps. 

Commercial and Non-Profit Organizations Collection includes files related to commercial businesses and secular non-profit organizations. Documents pertaining to historical mills, municipal services, local transportation and businesses and business support organizations are included. The collection includes some records that can be traced back to 1726. 

Publications Collection includes state and local government records, genealogies, brochures, booklets and books about Yaphank, many of which were written by Thomas R. Bayles. The Mary Louise Booth file includes a timeline history, photos and copies of photos of Booth and her home, copies of newspaper clippings from 1876-1976, record of the house donation, copies of the 1889 surrogates court record and the death certificate, genealogy and biographical information, copy of the 1870 census, the will of Anne W. Wright, and copies of letters with transcriptions from 1865 and 1872 from President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William H. Seward. 

Residences Collection includes information about the homes, estates or institutions where people lived in Yaphank since the early eighteenth century. Some of the residences have been occupied over time; others were destroyed or abandoned. Some of the records in this series are historical residences that have been restored by the Yaphank Historical Society alone or in conjunction with Suffolk County or Brookhaven Town. Files are organized by the names of the owners or the name of the institution. 

Location: Swezey-Avey House

Hours: By Appointment 

Phone: (631)924-4803

Contact: [email protected]